A Journey with Leather

Welcome to Tamagini Leather!
The wait is finally over! Man that took longer than expected to get this site up and running. But then again it always does. Plus I spent a good amount of time continuing to learn this craft which is still new to me. Always the perfectionist!
The site is far from finished but all the bones are there and what better day than black friday to launch it. A little about my thought process on sales. Most things will be made to order. I don't have the space or resources to keep a large supply of leather in stock and cranking things out continuously. That said there is an In Stock section of the site and that page will be continuously added to as I make items on spec. It will also be the spot I list limited edition items.
These limited edition items will things like wallets in a specific colorway that will only have say like 50 made than that combination won't be made again for a long time.
Also as far as Black Friday and the 2019 holidays are concerned I decided to mark all of the items listed as Sold Out and Concentrate on making items for the In Stock page using leathers I already have in my supply. But if there is something you are really craving for reach out via email and I will more than happy to discuss things with you and see if its something I can pull off.
Thanks to everyone that has supported me so far, it means a lot as I left all that was familiar behind this year so that I would embark on something totally different and for myself.
Now go and buy something!!!